Group trainings
Ready to join like minded innovators to level up your approach?
Are you
- Searching for actionable ideas that fit perfectly with your organisation?
- Wondering which strategic directions to take?
- Keen to forge efficient collaboration that accelerates your innovation and deliver results?
Think innovation is reserved for large organizations or needs to be focused on new products or emerging technologies? Guess again!Â

Group Trainings
learn how to get more results & growth

Creating a strong vision & strategy for future success
Transform your ambition into a clear & crisp vision for your innovation approach. Combine short term wins with long term targets.

Win Win Collaboration
Speed up your innovation strategy with collaboration projects, establish engaged partnerships.

Mastering the Win Win Skills
Go for powerful interaction in multi-stakeholder collaboration.

Innovation goal setting
Goal setting for innovation & collaboration: when (not) to be S.M.A.R.T.

Mastering the Win Win Canvas
Speed up goal alignment, surface hidden agendas & reduce collaboration risks.

Building Collaborative Consortia
Special Summer Course.
Stop spending time on creating consortia and ending up with non engaged partners that don't deliver results.