Best Open Innovation practice 2022
Building a large interdisciplinary ecosystem in healthcare
In the award winning presentation we focus on the process how the ecosystem was built and how we overcame the four most important hurdles.
WHat is it about?
Building successful ecosystems in healthcare is challenging due to the vast stakeholder landscape, different interests, and technologies. Using our experience based best practice approach we achieved strong & financial commitment of 80 stakeholders within one year to kickstart the Medvia cluster organisation on a mission to foster open innovation. In the first 6 months of operation, the ecosystem crystallised 32 project consortia of which 14 are funded.
Why the Award?
This Best Practice stood out for its exceptional originality, fostering groundbreaking collaboration between different industries and hospitals to tackle challenges in healthcare.
The initiative demonstrated remarkable results, with significant results, serving as a model for the broader Open Innovation community

Piet Verhoeve
founder Origanius
Specially designed for Innovators, Healthcare Professionals, R&D Professionals and Researchers
that want to go for innovation projects that deliver results
What were the key challenges?
Analysis of the ecosystem challenges showed 4 key elements to tackle while building:
How to engage: the healthcare stakeholder landscape is vast and divers: corporates, start-ups, university hospitals, regional hospitals, patient organizations, health insurance, research organizations governments, etc
How to create focus: Innovation in healthcare is a very broad domain, ranging from cell & gene therapies to meals at schools & poverty support.
How to create trust: Healthcare ecosystems need to combine for-profit (companies) and non-/social-profit organization (hospitals).
How to connect: Biotech, digital & medical had strong networks for themselves but low interconnectivity and limited shared knowledge

Best Open Innovation Practice 2022
Building a large ecosystem in healthcare
by Piet Verhoeve